We are most pleased to announce the Gold Medal Award for the v6.0 DT: OpenGL: FROM THE EXTENSIONS TO THE SOLUTIONS
The primary authors of this monumental work are:
- Patrick Bouchaud, (galaad@neu.sgi.com)
Patrick is the Project Leader, responsible for Content Gathering and Example Code.and
- Kimi Bishop, (kimi@neu.sgi.com)
Kimi is also responsible for Content Gathering, as well as the design, creation and implementation of the Web Document organization and presentation of this training course material.The reason we describe Patrick and Kimi responsibilities in the present tense is because this is truly a "work in progress", continuing to grow, evolve, and be extended.
The credits page for this work also lists seven additional Contributors. All told, this project in its current state defines a stellar new standard of excellence for contributions to the DT.
To reiterate just what this Gold Medal recognition is based upon, we quote from what was written back in v4.2:
to be a little more concrete here about the Gold Medal, some of the janitor's general guidelines for such an award are:
- a tool, utility, src example, application, or data set especially useful to "fill a hole" left unaddressed by sgi's engineering community.
- something exceptionally beautiful/meaningful that serves as a stellar example of what is possible to do/create on/with an sgi machine.
In this light, Patrick and Kimi's work "fills a LARGE hole" in the area of new high-end graphics Extensions by providing documentation coupled with accompanying source code enabling developers to more easily leverage their own implementation(s) of said Extensions. It is also a work of arresting beauty, taking advantage of the web paradigm to organize and present this massive body of information in all its exquisite detail and intricacy.
OpenGL: FROM THE EXTENSIONS TO THE SOLUTIONS will be a boon to everyone grappling with the challenge of taming the SGI Extensions beast and creating their graphics worlds in the image and form they envision. We are exceedingly grateful to have this resource and reference work on board, enhancing the DT's ability to provide timely, useful, educational, and informative technical information -- both source code and accompanying documentation -- to help people developing applications both inside and outside SGI get on with their own tasks at hand, and not having to be "re-inventing the wheel" for something on the order of this magnitude of complexity.